Monday, April 28, 2014


The bottom one is the pre image and top is the after image

Friday, April 11, 2014

Project #1

This picture is an example of framing because the object is framed by two sides and a top so the subject is very clear.

This is a picture of defining the subject because the tree is the main subject so that you don't get distracted by any thing else in the photo.

This is an example of a picture where the leading lines are used by the horses legs to go directly to the subject
 This picture is an example of keeping it simple because it is just a horse and its cool

This is a picture of balance because their is my sisters and it keeps the picture balanced

 I was trying to take a picture of my guide behind this and the fish swam right in front

These are my last three pictures showing three things

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Assignment #7

This is the before picture and the picture is really light.

This is after and I fixed the glare on his face and the horse

This is an after picture and I made the tree look cool

This is the before picture

Assignment #8

This is  a picture from the bottom front view where the camera is pointed up

 This picture is from the side even view so camera is straight

This camera is from above so it allows you to look down at your object

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Assignment #5

This is an example of spot healing because I fixed all the blemishes on her face.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Assignment #3

 In this picture my sister is very clear and so is the background.

This picture my sister is clear and the background is blurry.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Assignment #4 


This picture is used so that this girl is the object and she is clear the background is blurry the next picture is the opposite where the girl is blurry and the background is clear.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Assignment #5

How is the image captured in a digital camera compared with film cameras? Digital cameras save the picture in pixels and film takes them and prints them on the film

Compare size and cost of a DSLR to a point and shoot.  Which one is bigger, which one is more $$. A DSLR is way more expensive because when it takes pictures it has more options to change the picture to make it look the way you want a point and shoot just takes simple pictures

What is a contact sheet? A sheet of all the pictures you used in an assignment that are just thumbnails

What happens when you push the shutter button halfway down? The camera focuses

What is a megapixel? One million pixels

What is the difference between optical and digital zoom? Optical zoom uses the long lens to zoom and get closer digital zoom is just for the camera doesn’t extend past the end

What does SLR stand for? Single lens reflex

What causes red-eye? Glare from extra light

Less light make a image _brighter_ while too much light makes an image _Darker_?

List on camera flash pros/cons Camera flash can be a good thing because it brings light that isn’t there and but the cons are that if the light is to close it will cause a glare in your photo
List 5 types of memory cards used in cameras.

What is pixelization? When a picture changes and the picture uses small picture filled dots to display instead of film or other things

Explain the following elements of composition

            Rule of Thirds: When you put the picture on either the right or left to make the subjects stand out more

            Leading lines: When you have little lines in you picture leading to the subject

Identify each symbol used on the mode dial and what it is used for. Examples below

            Portraits:  Picture of a face used to take pictures of people

            Landscapes: Landscape is a picture of mountains it uses a high f-stop

            Sports: Picture of a person running used to freeze motion

            Macro: Picture of a flower taking close up pictures

            AV: Just an AV it is aperture priority
            TV: Just a TV it is shutter priority

            M: Manual mode Just an M

            P: Program mode auto sets aperture and shutter speed

            Auto: Full auto takes all pictures for you

What settings does the photographer change in Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority mode? The photographer shows aperture priority and shutter priority

What is the cameras buffer and how can it impact your photos? It is the thing that gets the photos and saves them

What does continuous shooting mode mean and when would you use it? It will take pictures as fast as it can

What does shutter speed mean? How fast or slow the shutter opens and closes

How can you tell which shutter speed is faster? If the picture shows more detail it has a higher shutter speed

What is a histogram in Photoshop? Shows all the pictures used in your pictures

What is opacity and how is it used in Photoshop? How much you can see through what you have done to your picture

Explain when you should use the dodging and burning tools in Photoshop. Dodging tool is used when it adds light burning tool adds darkness

List the selection tools used in Photoshop and explain when you would use each. Magic wand tool is used for selecting solid colors. Pen tool is used for curved object with solid edges.
Color range is used when you need to gent multiple colors in your picture. Quick selection tool used for simple selections. Color channels are if you make complex selections like hair.

Explain when you should use the following lenses

            Wide angle: When you need to get a lot of range in a picture

Macro: When you need to take a close up pic

            Telephoto zoom: When you need to take long distance pictures

What is a good resolution for 8 x 10 prints? 90   E-mailed photos? 160

What is saturation and how is it applied to photos? Allow you to adjust the hue of the picture

How is the clone stamp tool used? (check each step) Paints a part of the picture over another

How do you draw a straight line in Photoshop? Hold down shift

What is a hot shoe? Mounting point on the top of a camera to hold accessories

What is the keyboard shortcut for undo in Photoshop? Command Z

How is a new layer added in Photoshop? In the bottom corner you click new layer

What is the shortcut to change the brush size in Photoshop? The brackets you can change size

What is a monopod? One leg to stabilize your camera

What is workflow? Systematic organizations of things

What is the most common file format for pictures? Jpeg

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Assignment #1

This is a technical picture because tyson is posing for this picture instead of being weird.d

This is an emotional picture because me ad my good friend tyson were just hanging out and it was a good day that I will remember forever.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Assignment #2

In this picture I changed the colors to blue and orange. Then I changed the opacity and the colors to hard mix this is how it ended up.

This picture I changed myself to orange and white then added a linear light with 85% opacity

This picture I changed it to a solid gradient with a blue and gold. This has 72% opacity